The Powderpuff Girls, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles, are now living in a city called Townsville. Accidentally developed by a lab mix up, these were based on sugar spice things that are nice and unknown chemical that was accidentally spilled into the serum. rent party characters All having superhero powers, these three characters continually fight crime. Most children, boys and girls alike, enjoy this series because of the action packed adventures they are involved in. When it comes to these three girls for Halloween costumes, it is important to take into consideration that the girls may begin to do something like them... possibly wanting to save the planet from their evil brother. So if you're brave and feel that you're prepared, carry on. Blossom has pinl eyes, reddish longer hair, and wears pink. She is known as the commander of the three and her character traits are mature, managerial, instructional, bossy and very detail oriented. Her most prominent power is her abili...